Western Addition A-2

Key Elements
Although the Redevelopment Plan for the 277-acre Western Addition A-2 was officially approved by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on October 15, 1964, execution of the program did not begin until May 1966. Delay resulted from passage of Proposition 14, a state referendum which prohibited anti-discrimination legislation in the sale or rental of housing throughout California. While Proposition 14 prevailed, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) would not fund redevelopment project because it could not enforce an anti-discrimination rule. Proposition 14 was declared unconstitutional by the California Supreme Court on May 10, 1966. It there upon became possible for redevelopment to begin but after a costly delay of nearly two years. The Western Addition A-2 Program received its original funding under a Loan and Grant Contract with the federal government through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which was closed out on September 17, 1982. Since 1989, the Western Addition A-2 Redevelopment Project has been funded primarily by tax increment financing.
The Redevelopment Plan for the A-2 has been amended eight times, most recently on December 9, 2008, by San Francisco Board of Supervisors Ordinance 316-08 which approved an amendment to the Western Addition A-2 Redevelopment Plan to extend the Redevelopment Agency’s time for issuing and repaying debt and to suspend the limit on total Tax Increment Revenue for affordable housing development pursuant to Sections 33333.7 (Senate Bill No. 2113) and 33333.8 of the California Health and Safety Code which authorize the Redevelopment Agency to continue to receive tax increment after the expiration of a redevelopment plan to fund the replacement of affordable housing that the Agency destroyed and did not replace during the urban renewal era prior to 1976.
Important Documents
WA-A2 Redevelopment Plan (PDF)
Certificate of Preference