Rincon Point South Beach

Project Area Description
The purpose of the project is the conversion of this once blighted area into a new mixed-use waterfront neighborhood incorporating rehabilitation and new development. Implementation of the project began in 1981. It has been funded by a combination of Community Development Block Grants, tax-exempt revenue bonds and property tax increments. To date, 2,814 residential units have been constructed with 24% of the units set aside for low- and moderate-income households, over 1.2 million square feet of commercial space has been constructed, including Rincon Center and Gap Inc. headquarters office building, and the 700-berth South Beach Harbor is fully occupied. Additional publicly oriented facilities include South Beach Park at Pier 40, AT&T Park and Rincon Park at the foot of Folsom Street and the Embarcadero. To date, there has been a private investment of over $1 billion to the area.
History of the Project
The Rincon Point-South Beach redevelopment project had its start with the designation by the Board of Supervisors in 1977, of the Northeastern Waterfront Survey Area. Following the designation, a joint planning study was undertaken by the Department of City Planning, the former Redevelopment Agency, and the Port of San Francisco with the assistance of the Northeastern Waterfront Advisory Committee (NEWAC). Based upon the recommendations of the study, the City Planning Commission selected the Rincon Point-South Beach Redevelopment Area and approved a Preliminary Redevelopment Plan in January 1980.
Working with the Rincon Point-South Beach Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC), the former Redevelopment Agency prepared a Redevelopment Plan, a companion document entitled Design for Development, and other required reports. The redevelopment program for this area was recommended by the CAC, the Port Commission, the City Planning Commission, and the former Redevelopment Agency Commission. It was approved by the Board of Supervisors and by the Mayor in January 1981.
OCII retains land use controls in the Rincon Point - South Beach Redevelopment Project Area until the Plan expires.
Key Elements
The major elements of the Project include:
1. Mixed-Income Housing
The development of over 2,800 new units of housing to meet the needs of all income groups.
2. Historic Rehabilitation
The historic rehabilitation and commercial reuse of five buildings: Rincon Annex Post Office, Oriental Warehouse, Cape Horn Warehouse, Dunn Instruments Warehouse, and the Hooper's South End Grain Warehouse.
3. Waterfront Parks
The provision of two waterfront parks: about 2 acres between Howard and Harrison Streets and about 5 acres between Pier 40 and China Basin.
4. Boat Harbor and Pier 40
The development of a 700 berth marina, and the use of Pier 40 for marina-related commercial development and public access.
5. Corporate Headquarters Office Building
The development of a corporate headquarters office building on Steuart Street between Howard and Folsom Streets.
6. Ballpark at China Basin
The development of a 41,500 seat ballpark at China Basin for ballpark and complementary uses.
7. Embarcadero Roadway and local streets
The reconstruction of the Embarcadero roadway into a boulevard, including the realignment in two places to allow for the development of the waterfront parks. Boulevard to include a new mass transit line using historic streetcars and light rail vehicles.
The reconstruction of certain streets, including street surfacing, sidewalks, landscaping and utilities servicing properties within the project area.
Additional Information
Housing and Commercial Projects
Community Facilities and Public Improvements
Rincon Point-South Beach Land Use and Development Map
Rincon Point-South Beach Land Use Map
Rincon Point-South Beach Planning Documents
Rincon Point-South Beach Redevelopment Plan
Rincon Point-South Beach Design for Development
History of South Beach Paving Blocks