Bayview Industrial Triangle

In July 1976, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors designated an eight-block residential area in the Hunters Point/Bayview District as a survey area. Eighteen months later, on January 23, 1978, the Board of Supervisors amended the designation to include an industrial strip just west of the original area.
At the time of project area designation, Bayview Industrial Triangle contained 28 industrial businesses and nine commercial businesses employing a total of 167 people. The area also contained 15 single-family dwellings and flats and 24 transient hotel rooms.
Property owners and businesses in the area want properties upgraded, vacant lots eliminated and the area improved. Treatment therefore, emphasizes property rehabilitation with new development on vacant parcels.
On December 20, 1979, the City Planning Commission adopted a Preliminary Plan for redevelopment of the industrial portion of the survey area, naming it the Bayview Industrial Triangle Redevelopment Project.
On June 30, 1980, a Redevelopment Plan for the Bayview Industrial Triangle Redevelopment Project was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco. The stated purpose of the Redevelopment Project is the economic revitalization of this predominantly industrial area principally through programs of voluntary rehabilitation, limited mandatory rehabilitation and new development.
The voluntary rehabilitation program will enable the preservation and expansion of existing business uses, if compatible, while the mandatory rehabilitation program will ensure the upgrading of eight properties intended to improve the appearance of Third Street, a major north/south commercial corridor that provides a buffer between an adjacent residential area and the project area. The new development program is designed to encourage industrial development on existing vacant and underdeveloped parcels, providing space for new or expanding industries within the City.
In addition to assisting the existing industries to remain and expand in San Francisco, it is anticipated that this redevelopment district will generate approximately 149,770 square feet or 3.44 acres of new industrial development, providing between 75 to 100 new jobs.
Note: On October 1, 1981, redevelopment activities in the Bayview Industrial Triangle were suspended as a result of reductions in the City's 1982 Community Development Block Grant. Until funds become available, the Redevelopment Agency cannot actively pursue redevelopment of the area. However, we have and will continue to respond to requests for assistance arising from the community.
Bayview Industrial Triangle Planning Documents
Bayview Industrial Triangle Redevelopment Plan
Bayview Industrial Triangle Design for Development
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency Housing Participation Policy