Housing Accomplishments

Housing Completions & Project Summaries

This section summarizes OCII housing accomplishments for FY20-21, including information on construction completions, construction starts, projects in construction, and marketing outcomes.

Housing Starts & Project Summaries

In FY20-21, 468 units completed construction of which 305 units are affordable. These units were in one 100% OCII-funded, 100% affordable development and one market rate project with a total of 80 inclusionary units. See Table 5 for area summaries of these projects, and project specific details on the following pages, including developer, architect, and the Area Median Income (AMI) for the affordable units. Further project data, such as the percentage of contract funding awarded to Small Business Enterprises and local workforce hiring accomplishments can be found in Chapter 6, Appendix. 

Housing in Construction & Project Summaries

In FY20-21, there were no projects continuing construction that were not started or completed during the period.

Marketing Accomplishments

In FY20-21 108 affordable units became occupied across three projects, according to project specific occupancy preferences required by OCII. OCII and MOHCD staff prepare a Marketing Outcomes Report for each project that is presented to the OCII Commission after full occupancy has been achieved (copies of which can be found on OCII’s website at https://sfocii.org/). Table 8 summarizes occupancy outcomes by housing preference for each project that achieved 100% occupancy in FY20-21.

FY20-21 Occupancy Process Units that are set aside for direct referral by a housing agency, such as supportive housing units for homeless households or HOPE SF public housing units, do not go through a lottery process. All other units are advertised through a proactive outreach and marketing plan that emphasizes early outreach to Certificate of Preference (COP) holders. After the application period has closed, a lottery is held to determine the order in which applications will be processed, and required occupancy preferences are applied. Below are brief summaries of the applicable preferences during this reporting period:

  • COP: always receives first preference across all OCII projects.
  • Rent-Burdened: required only in the HPSY Phase I (inclusionary units) and HPSY Phase II/CP project areas; provides preference to households spending more than 50% of their income on rent or live in housing receiving project-based operating subsidies. 
  • Displaced Tenant Housing Preference: for those evicted through the Ellis Act or owner move-ins, or for tenants displaced by fire damage.
  • Neighborhood Resident Housing Preference (NRHP): applies to 40% of the units subject to lottery (25% if the project includes funding from a state source) in newly constructed housing for those applicants living within a Supervisorial District where the new affordable housing project is located, or if the applicant lives within 1/2 mile of the newly constructed project.
  • Edwin M. Lee Apartments was the first OCII project with NHRP applied to occupancy due the to timing of the OCII Commission’s adoption of NHRP in April 2019. NHRP was not applied to project prior to that time. OCII is applying NHRP to housing development projects going forward.


Table 5: Housing Completions

Project Area Project Name Project Type Housing Type Total
Total Aff.
Mission Bay South Mission Bay South Block 6 West 100% Affordable Family Rental 152 151
Transbay MIRA Transbay Block 1 (Tower) Market Rate w/ inclusionary Homeownership 316 80
TOTAL 468 231

*OCII affordable does not include manager’s units

Table 6: Housing Starts

Project Area Project Name Project Type Housing Type Total
Total Aff.
HPSY Phase I Block 52 Market Rate w/ inclusionary Homeownership 77 9
Mission Bay South Block 9 100% Affordable Supportive Formerly Unhoused Adults 141 140
TOTAL 218 149


Table 7: Housing in Construction


Table 8: Marketing Outcomes Summary

PROJECT AREA PROJECTS   Date 100% Occupied Affordable units by lottery COP Holders Rent Burdened Displaced Tenant
Housing Preference
Neighborhood Resident
Housing Preference
San Francisco
Live or Work

Transbay Block 9

500 Folsom Street

  Aug-20 108   N/A 8 43 57
TOTAL     108 0 N/A 8 43 57