Certificate of Preference Program
In 1969, State law established a “priority” for low- and moderate- income persons displaced by redevelopment projects “in renting or buying” affordable housing developed by redevelopment agencies. The former San Francisco Redevelopment Agency implemented this law by establishing a Certificate of Preference Program for persons who were displaced by the former agency’s property acquisitions and other actions implementing redevelopment plans. The program continues to exist under the auspices of the former agency’s successors: the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure and the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development. This statutory preference is currently codified in the Community Redevelopment Law (“CRL”) at Section 33411.3 of the California Health and Safety Code, in the Property Owner and Occupant Preference Program of the Redevelopment Agency (Oct. 1, 2008) (the “Certificate of Preference Program” or “COP Program”), and in San Francisco Administrative Code, Section 47.3(a).

Certificate of Preference Reports and PowerPoint Presentations to the OCII Commission
Certificate of Preference (COP) Annual Reports | COP Marketing and Outreach Reports | PowerPoint Presentations |
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FY 2014-15 OCII Project Marketing and Outreach Report | ||
Learn more about the COP Program and how to apply for possible eligibility: https://sf.gov/learn-about-certificate-preference-cop
Addresses that experienced displacement due to former Redevelopment Agency actions: https://sf.gov/certificate-preference-displacement-addresses
Learn about the investigations to find contact information for possible COP holders: findmysfcp.org
If you are interested in receiving the COP e-newsletter please click here.
For more information, please contact the Certificate of Preference Program Hotline at 628.652.5801.